The analysis uses a general relativistic effect involving the time delay of light known as the Shapiro delay effect. When a light ray passes a massive object it follows a curved path. General relativity says that curvature of light rays can only take place when the velocity of the propagation of the light rays also varies with position. The Shapiro delay increases the light travel time through the curved space-time near a massive body. The equation to determine the time delay effect is delightfully simple.

With this data in hand the standard Keplerian orbital parameters are calculated for this clean binary system and the masses of the objects are calculated. The mass of the neutron star was found to be 1.97 +/- 0.04 solar masses which is the most precise measurement of neutron star mass to date. Unfortunately this measurement technique does not provide any information about the radius of the neutron star, but because the mass was so high it already set a limit on the equation of state of the neutron star matter. This means that we can begin to answer what a neutron star is really made of. Different kinds of matter have a different behavior as you add more mass to them which is intuitive if you thought how discrepant with respect to size a planet made out of cotton candy versus rock would be. This result indicates that exotic models of hadronic matter including hyperons, kaon condensates are ruled out. Condensed quark matter is not ruled out, but highly constrained with this data. This is a big deal for particle physicists because this kind of system is an experiment that could never be carried out in a lab, but is necessary to probe fundamental physics.
This cool result on neutron stars glosses over another application of precise pulsar measurements that the authors of this Nature paper regarded as noise. The plot above is very neat and clean, but before the data looks like that a timing analysis must take into account the time delays associated with many more mundane effects. Effects that change the time of arrival of the pulsar include the variations in the Euclidean distance between the Earth and the pulsar resulting from Earth’s orbital motion, the proper motion of the pulsar, and its binary motion, dispersive delays in the interstellar medium, and time dilation of clocks in the observatory and pulsar frames and along the propagation path. The Earth's orbital motion about the solar system barycenter (known as the Roemer delay) is up to 500 seconds and so must be removed from the data. The powerful thing is that the Earth's orbital motion tells us about the mass and orbits of all the bodies in our solar system. A paper published in the Astrophysical Journal states that with ten years of careful observation of 20 pulsars the masses and orbits of solar system bodies could be determined better than with any other method and even undiscovered trans-Neptunian objects could be found.
Precise pulsar measurements are powerful. The first extrasolar planet ever discovered was actually made with pulsar measurements. Pulsars can tell us about the nature of neutron stars, the properties of own solar system, oh and even gravitational waves. If only astronomers had the money to build a pulsar timing array...

Demorest PB, Pennucci T, Ransom SM, Roberts MS, & Hessels JW (2010). A two-solar-mass neutron star measured using Shapiro delay. Nature, 467 (7319), 1081-3 PMID: 20981094
D. J. Champion, G. B. Hobbs, R. N. Manchester, R. T. Edwards, D. C. Backer, M. Bailes, N. D. R. Bhat, S. Burke-Spolaor, W. Coles, P. B. Demorest, R. D. Ferdman, W. M. Folkner, A. W. Hotan, M. Kramer, A. N. Lommen, D. J. Nice, M. B. Purver, J. M. Sarkissian, I. H. Stairs, W. van Straten, J. P. W. Verbiest, & D. R. B. Yardley (2010). Measuring the mass of solar system planets using pulsar timing ApJ arXiv: 1008.3607v1
This is such a lucid and informative piece of astronomy writing, Alex. I spent the whole day exploring your ideas, and I look forward to interacting with you on Twitter. We seem to be following each other.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to read your whole website over the next few days, I think.
Very interesting. I was wondering how they got such accurate measurements. Thanks for taking the time to prepare this. Bob B. , Houston Texas.