The IYA will raise the public's awareness about astronomy through various outreach projects. For example you can have your own replica of Galileo's telescope, a Galieloscope, which is actually way better than Galileo's. Buy one for yourself, your friends/family, or donate some like I did.
If you haven't heard about the IYA yet I wouldn't be too surprised because apperantely most of the people on earth don't have their earthly efforts directed at the sky. Anyways being the international year of astronomy I thought I would mention an international link. I have been surprised at how often El Pais, a newspaper in Madrid has articles about astronomy, they seem to be really pushing it in a way I haven't seen American media do, but yes it is in Spanish so if you have an ugly american approach to international collaboration try this. Astronomy does get its day in the sun:
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Derrick Pitts | ||||